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Did You Know... Edition 1: Facebook


Did You Know... Edition 1: Facebook

Elle Humphries by Elle Humphries

Director of Marketing

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Full biography

Elle has been involved with the WSI Team and has been helping them simplify the internet since 2016 when she came on board as a marketing intern. Elle became a full-time digital strategist in May of 2017, in which she focuses her talents on Project Management and Digital Marketing for the WSI team.

Elle is now the Director of Marketing for WSI as she brings many attributes to the table, such as social media marketing, email marketing, display/search marketing, search engine optimization, content creation, customer relationship management, project management, and more!



How important is Facebook to you and your business? Social Media has manifested over the past decade, and with that, it has besieged the digital marketing industry. How? Ads, referrals, and connections all come from Social Media and propel businesses into a highly competitive position. With that being said, Facebook drives 23% of all traffic, across the entire internet. Wow!

If we dive a little deeper into these numbers, we can see that 77% of B2C companies have acquired new customers through their Facebook presence. That number speaks for itself; close to 100% of B2C clients are found through their advanced knowledge of Facebook. Their knowledge is represented by their ability to correctly position themselves to maximize their visibility online. Maximizing their visibility can come from Facebook ads, content creation, engagement, and far more. Therefore, this can all be found, and utilized, within the Facebook ads manager. Within the ads manager (as a business), you are able to analyze your click-through rate which accounts for how many people are actually taking the time to visit your website through a hyperlink. 

On the other hand, Facebook provides far more information and opportunities than to just connect with those active; Facebook provides 30% of all Americans with their exclusive knowledge of the current news. Crazy right? This means that Americans are foregoing the old ways of sitting down and reading a newspaper at 10:00 am, or watching their television for the 10:00 pm news. This can lead to fake news being spread like wildfire, however, there are instances that the news is unbiased and accurate. 

Overall, Facebook has grown to be the largest social media platform in the world, with 1.28 billion Americans active in any given month. Therefore, the level of importance to become active and increase your visibility is high. These statistics speak for themselves, so, if you have the opportunity to have 1.28 billion Americans in the same room, hungry for your product or service, you would want to be in that room! Right? Take advantage of the opportunities Facebook provides, and continue to grow and foster connections within the platform.


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